Welcome to The Orchard School!
Orchard School and Orchard School Nursery have now closed their doors. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the school and the nursery over the last 30 years.
Monday 30th June
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 9 trip
Years 2, 3, 4 trip
Tuesday 1st July
Year 10 Work Experience
Under 9 Cricket v Westbourne
Year 9 PDP talk
Wednesday 2nd July
Year 10 Work Experience
Junior Sports Day
Senior School Sports trip
Thursday 3rd July
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 8 History trip
Fun Swim
Years 2/3 trip
Friday 4th July
Year 10 Work Experience
Nursery Sports Day
Years 2/3 trip
Stop Press!
From June 2014 - there will be a mini-bus service for the Gainsborough and surrounding area - any parents who are interested in this new service please contact the School Office for further details.
Comments by Mrs Sandra Fox
'Spotlight - Party in the Park' - 20th June 2014
Congratulations to Mr Fox and everyone else involved in another wonderful evening of entertainment showcasing the many talents of our pupils aged from 6 to 15!
'Concert in the Church' - March 2014
Well done to everyone who took part in the concert to raise funds for South Leverton Church!
'Here We Go Again' - Christmas Show
Well done to Mr Fox, Mrs Bright and everyone involved - the show was brilliant!
November fund-raising - Children in Need
Well done to Year 11 pupils who organised a very successful event and raised in excess of £460! Activities included: wearing a onesie or pyjamas, a cake stall, nail painting and a raffle to win a Steiff Pudsey Bear.
September fund-raising - Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity
Well done to everyone who took part in the non-uniform day and all the fund-raising efforts. £150 raised for this very worthwhile charity.
GCSE Results 2012 - 2013
I am delighted with the excellent GCSE results of the Year 11 and Year 10 students this year. Head Pupils Natalya Boswell and Matthew Humphreys achieved the most outstanding grades with Natalya gaining 5 A* and 6 A’s and Matthew with 2 A*, 7 A’s and 1 B. House Captain Madeleine Pink also excelled with 4 A* 3 A’s and 4 B grades while Louisa Dixon, Madelaine Stanfield and Daniel Thompson all gained 11 passes 5 of which were grade A’s. However Orchard School is a school for pupils of all abilities and again this year I am thrilled with the outstanding results of the less academic children who have worked so hard to get the excellent grades they deserve. At Orchard we know we can’t all be clever but we can all do our best and this is what our pupils are encouraged to do with the help of dedicated teachers and supportive parents. We are very proud that 90% of our Year 11 pupils gained 5 or more A* - C GCSE passes. Well done everyone. I hope you will all be as happy and successful in your next stage of your education as you have been at Orchard School.
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The Orchard School
South Leverton
DN22 0DJ